As Designer @ thinkpublic // Leading a movement in social innovation and design whilst putting older people at the heart of designing and delivering new public services. Alice worked with a range of clients including Carebase, the Department of Health, the NHS, the Alzheimer’s Society and Timebank. See some examples below of projects.
Alzheimers100 // In partnership with the Alzheimers Society, Dott07, Design Council, we collaborated to design ways to improve people with dementia’s daily life in the North East which led to the co-design of The Dementia Signposting Service, this is now rolled out nationally.
Journeys to Carebase // Research and design to identify challenges and support journeys of new residents and their families experiences into their care homes.
Gulbenkian // Working with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to support and mentor Intergenerational projects that support issues on ageing and isolation.