As Story Capturer for Care Compass @ St Joseph’s Hospice // Supporting a new website that was an online peer to peer community for all those facing life-limiting conditions, their friends, family or professionals.
As Design and Service Innovation Consultant @ Participle // Working within Participles project Circle to develop and test a new wellbeing service to support carers in Southwark look after their own wellbeing. Encouraging peer to peer models of support through running a series of iterative testing with users on the ground, to continually learn and adapt the service.
As Design Lead @ My Home Life // My Home Life is an initiative aimed at improving the quality of life for those who are living, dying, visiting and working in care homes for older people. Alice designed and delivered the Big Care Home Conversation that was launched at The House of Commons and hacked away by local care homes. I led a London wide movement of Care Home Managers, as part of this we designed a service innovation toolkit that was delivered to over 1,700 care homes.
As Creative Director @ Spots of Time // A social enterprise with a mission to make it easier for people to put their spare ‘spots of time’ to good. We created a range of fun, activities for care homes to enable volunteers in care homes to improve well being of residents in our pilot.